Admission Policies
Fagerhaug International school follows a policy for admission based on the section 1-3 in the Free School Act, and according to the regulations set by the school board. However,the total enrollment of students at FINT is regulated by the Norwegian Directorate of Educations overall approval of 150 students. When coming close to a full capacity a prioritized waiting list for students will be applied using an equal and transparent criteria.

All admissions are handled according to the admission criteria listed above. Students who are admitted need to be able to start before the next admission deadline unless otherwise stated above.
The students who are accepted for enrollment at Fagerhaug International school will receive an individual decision (enkeltvedtak) as a confirmation of their enrollment. The ones who have their application rejected will receive an individual decision stating this with an offer of being placed on the waiting list. If a student rejects an offer of admission or a current student withdraws their enrollment in between application deadlines and in this process makes an available school place, students on the waiting list will have priority (and will be prioritized according to the criteria). Students who apply in between the application deadlines will not be considered for this place until their application has met an application deadline. Students applying in between deadlines will be included at the point of the next admission and a new priority list including all applicants meeting the application deadline at stake will be made based on the criteria in this admission policy.
Individual Decision (enkeltvedtak):
According to the Charter School Act (Friskoleloven) § 3-1 Enrollment of Students at FINT is an individual decision/ Enkeltvedtak, in accordance with the Administration Act (Forvaltningsloven) § 2. The matter has been handled according to Chapter IV and V in the Administration Act and you are entitled to see the documents linked to the case if you so wish.
If you disagree with this individual decision it can, according to the Administration Act § 27 and 28, be appealed. The appeal should be presented to the school in writing. The school will then review the appeal and either uphold or change the decision. If the appellant is satisfied with the documentation and accepts the schools decision, the case is closed. If the appellant upholds the appeal, the school will forward the case to the Fylkesmannen for final consideration. According to the Administration Act § 29 the appeal must be presented to the school within three weeks of receiving the individual decision/Enkeltvedtak.